The 2014 Remnants CC annual general meeting was held on the evening of Tuesday, March 25 at the Fitzwilliam College Cricket Ground bar.
Members present: Dave Green; Geoff Hales; Sally Hales; Rob Harvey; Paul Jordan; Faruk Kara; Daniel Mortlock; Dave Norman; Andy Owen; Catherine Owen; Olly Rex; Richard Rex; Dave Williams; Russell Woolf
Apologies: Rakesh Chandraker; Nick Clarke; Tom Collett; Matt Hughes; Phil Watson
The minutes of last year's AGM, held on March 14, 2013, were taken as read.
Dave Williams provided both the accounts and a detailed treasurer's report, the most important points of which are summarised here. The treasurer was, once again, thanked for his great efforts on behalf of the club.
The 2013 season was fairly successful, and the club ran smoothly once again, largely through e-mail based administration and the use of a Doodle poll to do availabilities.
This year's fixture-list is essentially complete. We have one new opposition: Redgate Sofware. We are also losing an opposition: our June 17 game will be our last against Hart-McLeod as they will no longer be playing after 2014. (Both the above are representative of the shift from "traditional" pub, college and workplace teams to the new Cambridge world of technology companies.)
This year's Remnants vs. Remnants game will be held on Wednesday, June 25 and will be a memorial game for Remnants legend Andy Brown, who died earlier this year. Andy's son Daniel, who has turned out a few times for Remnants, will hopefully be able to play in this match, and we will once again make it in benefit of a (yet to be decided) charity.
Following the issues last year about underage players, it was agreed to put a generic list of "match conditions" on the web-site.
Of 37 scheduled fixtures, 30 were played, including 2 internal games. Of the 28 external games 11 were won, 16 were lost and one, agonisingly, was tied. Hardly a disaster, but perhaps a sign that we're short of a few match-winners, particularly batsmen. New recruits are thus more welcome than ever, although an additional point here is that Dave Norman is happy to play regularly for us, an offer it was widely agreed we should take up.
We successfully implemented the policy of demanding that opposition teams only field junior players who satisfy the criteria outlined by the ECP.
Another CRB update is, absurdly, required; this will cost £15.00, which will be paid by the club.
The issues of distinct teams informally grouping on Tuesday and Wednesdays was once again discussed. The results from last year actually suggest that the teams were broadly balanced, although all at the meeting agreed that one of the joys of the "two games a week" policy is that you hopefully mix around and see most fellow Remnants at some stage during the season. Players are hence encouraged to mix around their availabilities as much as is possible (i.e., consistent with other commitments).
Olly Rex proposed a Remnants "fantasy league" in which players can select a "team" and gather points based on their performances (both serious and light-hearted) during the year. This had wide support from the club and Olly will prepare a specific proposal (which will be sent around to the club) and will then liaise with Daniel to implement this.