The Remnants annual dinner was held at The Punter, on Pound Hill, on the evening of Friday, November 26, 2010. For the second year in a row, twenty-odd Remnants came along and took over the "barn" (a nice room overlooking the courtyard out the back of the pub), albeit with another smaller but rowdier group in the rear chamber.
After feasting on, primarily, a delicious collection of rare meat, it was time for the formalities which, as ever, were handled by Geoff Hales (once again in his club blazer).
First up was the Champagne Moment Award. Contenders included: Catherine Owen, for her yelp of triumph as the completed the winning run in the President's XI game; Chris McNeill, for hitting the winning runs against ??? after he started the game by getting carted; and Phil Hastings for the most glorious straight drive in living memory. But in the end Geoff couldn't go past John Richer, for his running, diving catch against ??? which was mentioned in dispatches by two separate report-writers.
Next came the almost obligatory supply of picked eggs to Les Collings . . .
. . . and a thank you to Daniel Mortlock for taking over the running of the club.
The last presentation was of the hideous Phil Watson Discretionary Trophy, won last year by Dave Williams and hence his to award this year. He considered giving to Chris McNeill on the grounds that he'd take it with him to Australia and we'd never see it again . . . but in the he awarded it to Dave Green "for not looking like Phil Watson, and for being a fantastic member of the team - it has been a pleasure playing cricket with him".
After that, it was time for Geoff Remnants quiz about the 2010 season (which must have seemed thoroughly confusing to the large number of partners present). This year Joe White was the winner, although it must be noted that he was sitting between quiz-setter Geoff and Daniel (on whose reports and stats many of the questions were based).
(To see the answers simply highlight the region below the questions with your mouse by dragging the cursor across the screen with the left button held down.)
For the record
Tom Jordan - and there was a bonus point on offer if you knew that's his haul for the season was 25.
That man John Richer again - this time there was a bonus point if you were within 10 of his tally of 415.
Nick Clarke's 78 against ???.
Rather predictably, it was John Richer again (with 7).
Even if you didn't remember the purple patch that saw him take 11/15, you should have guessed it was George Speller from the phrasing of the question.
John Richer and Richard Rex (against ???).
The treatment table ...
John Young.
Naveen Chouksey.
Dave Green.
Nick Clarke (having been caught behind by Rob Harvey off a top-edge in the FAS game).
Keith Turner (with the help of Tom Serby) against ???.
And off ... (two points each)
Richard Rex (who'd been for a physical and of course doesn't have an ounce of fat on him).
John Gull.
Matt Hughes.
Julius Rix.
Mike Jones (which gave the Geoff the chance to wheel out his criminally under-used Brummie accent).
Daniel Mortlock, who was all set to complete an easy "caught and bowled" when the batsman "paniced" and started to go for a run, only to block Daniel's path and, eventually, the ball's, which landed on his back before bobbling harmlessly away.
Quick singles
Appropriately enough, the Churchill game.
The Technology Partnership.
Rob Harvey.
Chris McNeill in the ??? match.
Catherine Owen.
The Philanderers (although we still won comfortably).
Senior moments
Les Collings.
Sean Dennis.
Geoff Hales (who was trying to collect Andy Owen's wayward throw).
Paul Jordan.
Mike Sneyd.
Dave Williams?
Youth policy
Daniel Brown
John Gull
Ferdi Rex
Olly Rex
Tom Jordan
Joe Harvey
Sam Serby
Jack Anderson
Olly Clarke
Catherine Owen
Sophie Norman