Remnants vs. The Philanderers

18:00, Monday, July 13, 2015
Cambridge University Press

Match cancelled.

Report by Daniel Mortlock:

What a joy it is to run a cricket club. After a day of seemingly endless e-mails from people who'd mucked up their availabilities on the Doodle Poll, there was an even less welcome e-mail from Philanderers secretary Phil Harvey saying that "the Cass Centre seems to have a slightly cautious groundsman who has already now cancelled." This came in at 3pm, which at least meant enough time to prevent any wasted trips to the ground, but was a tad surprising given the fairly minor amount of rain recorded in Cambridge at that time:

Rainfall recorded in Cambridge today as at 3pm (from the Cambridge Weather site).

There was a little more rain at around 4pm, but none after that, and it's a fair bet we'd have been playing if the match was at Fitz.